Main domestic and foreign standards for steel used in auto parts (3)

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The world of motor vehicle components requires a variety of steel grades in order to properly and efficiently produce components that are compliant with the multitude of safety requirements demanded by the industry. This article will explore three of the most prominent and commonly used standards ......

The world of motor vehicle components requires a variety of steel grades in order to properly and efficiently produce components that are compliant with the multitude of safety requirements demanded by the industry. This article will explore three of the most prominent and commonly used standards for automotive component grade steel both in the domestic and international markets.

The first standard is China’s GB/T323-2005. This standard refers to steel used for the production of general automotive structural components, such as door frames, body panels, and suspension parts. The requirements under this standard include that the steel is free from harmful defects and has good weldability, formability, and toughness. The quality requirements are very stringent and include microstructural requirements as well as mechanical property requirements such as tensile strength, hardness, and tensile elongation. This standard also contains detailed tolerances and dimensions for material components.

The second standard is the European Union’s EN10025-3. This standard is a harmonized standard, which means it is recognized throughout Europe and ensures a wide range of steel grades which are compatible. This standard is also used for steel used in automotive structural components, with its requirements being relatively similar to those of the Chinese standard. EN10025-3 also specifies microstructural and mechanical property requirements, as well as requiring that the components pass a test for corrosion resistance.

The third standard is the U.S. ASTM A6. This standard is much simpler than the two previously discussed, and is primarily used for the production of steel components used for steering and engine applications. This includes crankshafts, connecting rods, and suspension components. ASTM A6 requires that the steel have a given minimum toughness and hardness as well as an acceptable level of grain size, and specifies that these materials should not contain any residual stress.

In summary, these three standards represent the most commonly used standards for the production of automotive part grade steel. Each standard is designed with the intent to ensure the production of safe and efficient components that meet the most stringent industry demands. Although the requirements of the individual standards vary, they all ensure the safety and quality of the steel components they govern.

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