Influence of Pass Design on Precision of Rolled Pieces

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The Effect of Hole Type Design on the Precision of Rolled Parts Introduction The precision of rolled parts is significantly affected by its hole type design. Hole type design not only determines the service performance of rolled parts, but also affects the accuracy and processing efficiency of t......

The Effect of Hole Type Design on the Precision of Rolled Parts


The precision of rolled parts is significantly affected by its hole type design. Hole type design not only determines the service performance of rolled parts, but also affects the accuracy and processing efficiency of the products. The hole type design is mainly determined by its hole shape, hole size, hole depth, hole angle and pitch length, etc. This article aims to analyze the factors that affect the accuracy of rolled parts and put forward some suggestions for precision hole type design in terms of its hole shape, hole size, hole depth and hole angle.

Hole Shape

Hole shape is a very important factor that affects the accuracy of rolled parts. Different hole shapes have different effects on the mechanical properties of the part. The hole shape mainly includes round hole, square hole, slot hole and some special hole shapes. Among them, round hole is the most commonly used in rolled parts, because the round hole is the most favorable for rolling forming due to its regular shape. For some precision rolled parts, special shapes of holes are often used to produce parts with complex shapes, such as hexagonal holes, multi-faceted holes, spline holes and sawtooth holes.

Hole Size

Hole size is an important factor that affects the accuracy of the rolled part. If the size of the hole is too large, the deformation of the rolled part will be serious, which will reduce the accuracy of the part and affect its machining accuracy. On the other hand, if the hole size is too small, the processing difficulty of the hole will increase, and its machining accuracy will be affected. Therefore, the size of the hole should be determined according to the size requirements of the part, which is beneficial to the processing accuracy.

Hole Depth

The depth of hole is a very important factor that affects the machining accuracy of rolled parts. In order to ensure the machining accuracy of the part, the depth of the hole must be adjusted to a reasonable value according to the process conditions. Generally speaking, for rolled parts with complex shapes, deep holes should be avoided as much as possible, because deep holes will increase the difficulty of processing and reduce the accuracy of the part.

Hole Angle

Hole angle is an important factor that affects the accuracy of rolled parts. The incorrect setting of the hole angle will reduce the accuracy of the part. Generally speaking, the hole angle should be set as small as possible and should not be larger than 60°, so as to reduce the difficulty of processing.


In conclusion, the hole type design is an important factor that affects the accuracy of rolled parts. The shape, size, depth and angle of the hole should be reasonable in order to ensure the accuracy of the rolled part. With the development of rolling technology and the increasing demand for precision parts, the hole type design will become stricter and stricter. Only by reasonable hole type design can we ensure the accuracy of rolled parts.

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