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Pearlescent Pigment Grading Pearlescent pigments are a kind of freely dispersed powder composed of natural or synthetic mica particles, coated with various organic and/or inorganic substances. They are widely used as high-grade decorations on surfaces such as paper decorating, printing inks, plast......

Pearlescent Pigment Grading

Pearlescent pigments are a kind of freely dispersed powder composed of natural or synthetic mica particles, coated with various organic and/or inorganic substances. They are widely used as high-grade decorations on surfaces such as paper decorating, printing inks, plastics, paints and coatings, leather products, building materials and so on. Grading of pearlescent pigments is necessary in order to ensure that the best ones are selected for various applications.

Pearlescent pigments can be divided into various grades according to their particle size and the amount of coating materials. Generally, the particle size is divided into three categories: coarse, medium, and fine. Coarse pearlescent pigments have larger particle sizes compared to medium and fine grades. The larger particle size gives the pigment an appearance of more reflective “sparkle”. Medium pearlescent pigments have a smaller particle size, which gives the pigment a less visible sparkle. Fine pearlescent pigments have the smallest particle size, and the sparkle is barely noticeable.

In terms of coating material, pearlescent pigments can also be divided into three grades: low, medium and high. Low grade pearlescent pigments have less coating material than that of the medium or high grade. The amount of coating material affects the intensity and stability of the reflective properties of the pigment. Medium and high grade pearlescent pigments have more coating material, giving them greater intensity and stability in reflecting light.

When choosing pearlescent pigments for any application, it is important to consider the particle size and the amount of coating material of the pigment. Coarser particles will give the pigment a more reflective sparkle, while finer particles give the pigment a more subtle reflective quality. The amount of coating material will affect the intensity and stability of the reflective properties of the pigment, with more coating material offering greater intensity and stability.

Finally, it is also important to consider the color of the pearlescent pigment. Pigments with higher amounts of coating material tend to be more intense in color, while those with lesser amounts tend to be more subtle in color.

In conclusion, Pearlescent pigments are an important component in many industries, and the selection of the right pigment grade is key to achieving the desired effects. Therefore, it is important to consider both the particle size and the amount of coating material when selecting a pearlescent pigment to ensure optimal performance.

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