Analysis and Treatment of Common Faults of Crusher

Analysis and Treatment of Common Failures of Crushers Abstract This paper mainly introduces the common faults and solutions of the crusher. First, it introduces the hammer head fracture, the rotor bearing temperature rise, the impact crusher lining plate damage, the gear reducer oil leakage, and......

Analysis and Treatment of Common Failures of Crushers


This paper mainly introduces the common faults and solutions of the crusher. First, it introduces the hammer head fracture, the rotor bearing temperature rise, the impact crusher lining plate damage, the gear reducer oil leakage, and the vibration of the grinding. Machine. Then it thoroughly analyzes the corresponding solutions and preventive measures.


A crusher, also known as a stone crusher, is a machine for breaking rocks into small pieces or powder that are used in various industries, such as mining, construction, metallurgy and chemical processing. Crusher operation often involves a lot of vibration, dust and noise, and failure of its components is common. In this paper, we discuss the common faults and solutions of the crusher.

Hammer Head Fracture

The hammer head is the most vulnerable part of the crusher. If the hammer head breaks, it will reduce the production efficiency of the crusher and even cause accidents. Generally, the causes of hammer head fracture are as follows: 1: excessive hardness of the material; 2: not appropriate clearance between the hammer head and the equipment; 3 : Thin and uniform hammer head; 4: improper installation of hammer head; 5: insufficient rigidity of the hammer head and so on.

The solution to the hammer head fracture is as follows: 1: choose the material with appropriate hardness for production; 2: adjust the clearance between the hammer head and the equipment; 3: try to use thicker and thicker hammer head; 4: correctly install the hammer head; 5: select the hammer head with enough rigidity.

Rotating Bearing Temperature Rise

The temperature of the rotor bearing in the crusher is usually monitored by a temperature sensor. When the temperature of the bearing exceeds 75℃, it means there is a problem with the bearing and needs to be addressed. Generally, there are five reasons for the high temperature of the bearing: 1: too much bearing clearance; 2: lack of lubrication; 3: contamination of particles; 4: bearing damage; 5: bearing cage breakage.

The solutions to the rotating bearing temperature rise are as follows: 1: check and adjust the bearing clearance according to the instructions; 2: replace the bearing with a new one; 3: adjust the lubrication system; 4: clean the bearing and lubricating oil system; 5: replace the bearing cage.

Impact Crusher Lining Plate Damage

The impact crusher has a large resistance when it is used for crushing the material, which easily leads the wear of the liner. There are three possible causes of the damage of the impact crusher liner: 1: weakness of the material itself; 2: the hardness of the material is too large; 3: the resistance of the material itself is too large.

The solutions are as follows: 1: choose the material with reasonable hardness and strength; 2: adjust the gap between the liner and the hammer; 3: choose suitable material for the liner; 4: reasonable use of the equipment.

Gear Reducer Oil Leakage

The gear reducer is a very important part in the crusher. If the oil leakage phenomenon occurs, the production of the crusher will stop, so the problem of oil leakage must be solved as soon as possible. Generally, there are several reasons for the oil leakage of the gear reducer: 1: the oil seal is too fragile; 2: the oil is not well sealed; 3: the gear reducer is overloaded; 4: the shaft seal is aging.

The solutions are as follows: 1: replace the oil seal; 2: replace the oil seal with a new one; 3: adjust the load of the gear reducer; 4: replace the shaft seal.

Vibration of Grinding Machine

When the crusher works for a long time, the vibration of the equipment will be caused by various reasons. Generally, the following five situations may cause vibration of the grinding machine: 1: the rigidity of the foundation is inadequate; 2: the grounding of the equipment is poor; 3: the stiffness of the equipment is inadequate; 4: insufficient lubrication of the equipment; 5: imbalance of the parts.

The solutions are as follows: 1: strengthen the foundation of the equipment; 2: pay attention to the grounding problem; 3: check and adjust the stiffness of the equipment; 4: replace the lubricating oil; 5: adjust the imbalance of the parts.


In this paper, we introduced the common faults and solutions of the crushers. We mainly discussed their hammer head fracture, the rotor bearing temperature rise, the impact crusher lining plate damage, the gear reducer oil leakage, and the vibration of the grinding machine. We then thoroughly analyzed the corresponding solutions and preventive measures. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the crusher, it is necessary to strengthen the maintenance and inspection of the crusher, so as to ensure the normal operation of the crusher.

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