Wiring Rules of Automotive Alternator Power System

Automobile Generator Power System Connection Rules Introduction Auto Electric power distribution system is a necessary for any modern vehicles, both in terms of safety and efficiency. Therefore, it is important for vehicle owners to understand the rules for proper connection of power systems for......

Automobile Generator Power System Connection Rules


Auto Electric power distribution system is a necessary for any modern vehicles, both in terms of safety and efficiency. Therefore, it is important for vehicle owners to understand the rules for proper connection of power systems for their vehicles. This article aims to discuss the connection rules for automobile generator systems, and the importance of proper connection in ensuring the efficient, safe and reliable performance of the vehicle.

Construction of auto Electric System

To understand the connection rules of an automobile generator system, it is important to understand the construction the auto electric system. The modern auto electric system is composed of the battery, starter motor, alternator and a variety of auxiliary electric devices. It is important to note that the generator of the system plays a major role in supplying the electric power to the vehicle. This electric power is then distributed to various electric devices for proper functioning of the vehicle.

Basic Electric system connection rules

To ensure proper connection of the electrical system, follow these rules:

1. Connect the battery cable to the battery at first, then to the starter.

2. Connect the other battery cable to the starter then to the alternator.

3. Connect the alternator output cable to the main fuse to provide electric supply to other auxiliary electric devices.

4. Connect the wires of each electric motor and equipment to the appropriate fuse.

5. Connect the isolator switch between the generator and the battery, it should always be in the OFF position when not in use.

6. Connect the battery to the starter motor and alternator. In order to ensure that these components are properly connected, follow these steps:

a. Disconnect the battery cable from the starter motor and alternator.

b. Connect the battery cable to the starter motor, then to the alternator.

c. Connect the remaining battery cable to the alternator, then to the battery.

7. Make sure that all electrical connections are tight, clean and firmly secured.


Auto electric system connection rules are important for the efficient performance of a vehicle. Following proper connection rules is essential to ensure the safe, reliable and efficient performance of the automobile electric system. In case of any confusion or doubts, it is highly recommended that the system be evaluated and fixed by a professional mechanic.

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