China Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association

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China Cooling & Air-conditioning Industry Association China Cooling & Air-conditioning Industry Association (CCAIAC) was established in 2002 with the approval of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. The m......

China Cooling & Air-conditioning Industry Association

China Cooling & Air-conditioning Industry Association (CCAIAC) was established in 2002 with the approval of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.

The mission of CCAIAC is to promote the comprehensive and coordinated development of China’s cooling and air-conditioning industry, enhance the communications and cooperation between China and other countries and regions in the world on cooling and air-conditioning industry-related technology, information, trade and culture, and boost the technological innovation and industrial modernisation in the industry.

CCAIAC is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit social organisation. It consists of the general members, associate members, honorary members and invited members, and it has its own committees, such as the four-yearly elected board of directors and professional committees.

CCAIAC serves as the platform of international exchange and cooperation in air-conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump technical and scientific realms and at the same time it serves as the leading entity of the industry, promotes the healthy and sustainable development of the industry, and integrates the resources of the industry. CCAIAC also plays the role of policy and project adviser to the government regulators and trade associations.

To ensure the quality of its services, CCAIAC divides its members into several categories, including air-conditioning equipment and components manufacturers, air-conditioning technicians and professionals, foreign trade firms, air-conditioning network companies, colleges and universities, joint ventures and other related companies in the industry.

By setting up online forums, organising activities, and providing modern and mobile services, CCAIAC helps its members to stay better informed about the industry and also to interact with each other. CCAIAC organises professional activities such as exhibitions and seminars, technical training and international conferences, which helps to create a bond among the members of the association.

CCAIAC will spare no effort in its pursuit to promote the continued development and advancement of cooling, air-conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump industry by serving as a platform to share and exchange knowledge, up-to-date industry news and information, and to promote close industrial and business collaboration with members of other countries and regions.

CCAIAC always looks to strengthen the industry and help its members to become successful by encouraging innovation, improving quality and offering comprehensive industry knowledge. The association provides services that enrich the industry by stimulating creativity, enabling professional development and competency, and optimising research and development.

Through these endeavours, CCAIAC seeks to help its members with better access to the global market, strengthen their influence and recognition across the industry, and bring China’s cooling, air-conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump industry to a new level.

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