Muhammad Yunus

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Muhammad Yunus Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur and a Nobel peace prize winner for his effort in establishing micro credit to the people at the bottom of the pyramid. Born in Chittagong, Bangladesh in June 28, 1940, Muhammad Yunus completed his academics from Dhaka University a......

Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur and a Nobel peace prize winner for his effort in establishing micro credit to the people at the bottom of the pyramid.

Born in Chittagong, Bangladesh in June 28, 1940, Muhammad Yunus completed his academics from Dhaka University and later he went to United States to pursue Ph.D in economics at Vanderbilt University. Before completing his Ph.D. Muhammad started his career as an assistant professor at Middle Tennessee State University in 1966 and later he returned to Bangladesh where he joined the department of economics of Chittagong University.

In the year 1992 Muhammad won a Nobel Peace Prize for his innovative work in the field of micro finance. His efforts in establishing Grameen Bank which helps to provide small loans and regular saving option for the poor communities of Bangladesh is commendable. Through Grameen Bank and micro credit featuring he aimed to bring about a change in the lives of poor people and make them self-dependent.

Yunus was also a pioneering advocate of Social Business - venture that blends business power with a goal of improving human welfare. He published Poverty Eradication and his objectives. He proposes social business as a form of capitalism that serves the public interest, providing solutions to the most challenging problems like poverty, health, education, environment and peace.

Yunus also deals with refugee issues and has been appointed as the ambassador of peace by the United nations. He was also appointed as a special adviser to the United Nations on Social Business and Finance in 2007. He is a vocal advocate of preserving the climate of earth and also works towards the confidence building among youths.

Yunus has contributed a lot towards the economic development of Bangladesh. He has also been conferred as “The State of Bangladesh” in 2009 for his contribution welfare of the people in Bangladesh. He has also received several award, honors and recognition for his exemplary work.

Yunus is an inspirational to others who want to make a differ and work for the upliftment of society. He recognized the power of micro credit and dedicated his life in pursuit to empower people from poverty. He is an icon to inspire individuals working in corporate social responsibility and sustainable initiatives

If you are an aspiring social entrepreneur, then Muhammad Yunus should be an inspiration for you as he believed in and dedicated his life for serving the people in need. His is one of social business pioneers who keeps striving and works with the goal of achieving sustainable human development.

Muhammad Yunus is an example of how a person can inspire and make a huge impact with the right idea, dedication, and efforts even on existing sphere with limitations. He is an example of how the exploited section of society can be provided with the financial power and help them in being independent and gain control of their own lives.

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