Conflicts in Multi-Channel Distribution
In the fast-paced and highly competitive world of e-commerce, multi-channel product distribution has become an incredibly important way for businesses to generate revenues and reach out to their ever-expanding customer base. Multi-channel distribution refers to the selling of goods and services through multiple channels, such as online stores, brick-and-mortar retail stores, distributors, wholesale clubs and television shopping networks. The advantages of multi-channel distribution are numerous; not only does it provide a wider range of outlets for businesses to sell their products, but it also offers an increased channel for consumers to purchase goods and services.
However, multi-channel distribution is not without its challenges and associated risks. One of the main issues that arise in multi-channel distribution is the potential for conflict between the different channels. Channel conflict arises when the actions taken by one business channel have a negative effect on another business channel. Such conflict can arise due to several reasons, such as misunderstanding of objectives, misalignment of incentives, and crossed pricing.
Misunderstandings of objectives can be a leading cause of conflict between even well-run and highly organized multi-channel distribution companies. Because each channel may have different goals, competencies, target markets and budget constraints, it is can often be difficult to ensure that everyone’s objectives are in-line. Companies must ensure that all channels are aware of each other’s goals and strategies and how these may influence their own strategies.
In addition to conflicts between objectives, misalignment of incentives may also arise in multi-channel distribution. When incentives between the various channels are not properly coordinated, it can lead to a perceived unfairness, which can lead to a decrease in motivation and a lack of loyalty among the respective channel members. Companies must ensure that all channels are receiving equivalent incentives in order to prevent any perception of unfairness.
Furthermore, crossed pricing can also contribute to conflict in multi-channel distribution. This is when the same product is priced differently across different channels, causing confusion in the customer, and potentially damaging relationships between the various channels. Companies must ensure that pricing strategies are consistent across all channels in order to prevent any confusion and ensure that the customer is not unfairly restricted.
In summary, multi-channel distribution is an invaluable tool for businesses to spread their products, generate revenues and build relationships with their customers. However, with it comes inherent risks and conflicts, such as misalignment of objectives, mismatched incentives, and crossed pricing. Companies must ensure that these potential risks are addressed through effective surveillance and management in order to prevent any potential channel conflicts.