The 7S’s Management Model
The 7S’s management model, also known as the McKinsey 7S Framework, is one of the most widely-used organizational change management models in the world. The model was first proposed in 1980 by two renowned consultants from McKinsey and Company and is used to help organizations better comprehend and manage changes in their operations. It seeks to describe how seven elements must work together in order for an organization to be successful and to remain competitive in the market. The seven elements are Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Style, Staff and Skills.
The strategic elements of an organization include its mission and goals, objectives, policies and plans which provide the direction and frame of reference necessary to manage the resources of the organization. It formulates the direction of the organization, which the other six elements must work in order to achieve it.
The structural elements of an organization define its structure and relationship between the functions, responsibilities and authority. It provides a structure within which the organization can function and helps to draw the boundaries between different departments to ensure that everyone works together towards a common goal.
The systems element of the 7S’s model refers to procedures, processes, standards, rules and regulations that ensure that the organization runs efficiently. This includes the business procedures, technology, communication and control systems which help to ensure that the organization functions at its optimal level.
Shared Values:
The shared values element of the model is about the beliefs, aspirations, attitudes and values that the organization shares about its mission, goals and objectives. This will help to ensure that everyone in the organization has the same vision and work together to achieve it.
The style element is about the leadership style and the various methods used to motivate and manage employees. It is about how leadership is exercised and how employees are encouraged and empowered to perform their best.
The staff element of the model refers to the people who are employed in the organization and the skills, abilities and qualifications that they possess. It is essential that the right staff with the right skills be employed in order to ensure that the organization runs smoothly.
The skills element of the model refers to the abilities possessed by the organization and its people. This includes the technical, interpersonal, problem-solving and decision-making skills necessary to ensure that the organization functions as efficiently as possible.
The 7S’s model is a simple yet powerful tool which can be used to effectively assess and manage organizations in order to ensure that they remain competitive and successful over the long-term. It provides a comprehensive approach for organizations to better understand the relationships between their different elements and the effect of changes that occur within the organization. By taking the time to assess each element and how they interact with one another, organizations can ensure that they are well-equipped to manage any changes that occur and to remain competitive in market.